
JumpRunMan was a platformer game that my team and I developed for our final prject in our ICS 111 course. I thought of the project idea when I noticed there was a sirt of “collision” detection built in to the library our professor gave us and thought we could develop a game out of it.

I was responsible for using the library the proffessor gave us and find a implementation of it to allow for collisions between images and movement of them. I also implemented the actual movement of the game objects such as the lava moving or the mans jumping, running, and falling speed

The “man” would have to make it up a series of platforms he could collide with and would fall if not currently colliding with a platform. To add a layer of difficulty we also implemented a lava block that would creep up the page and in the even that the “man” collided with it the game would end.

Source: JumpRunMan